$ 詢問
Our staff has more than 10 years experience in the manufacture and supply of watches, and can guarantee prompt and professional service. With hundreds of watch styles and materials to choose from, yo
MMaduro Ltd

$ 詢問
ITALIAN technology, design and creativity with matching passion nice features all of these qualithes and is a champion of italian fashion and style.each watch in the nice collection possesses
MMs. Lau

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EA time is a partnership company with eternal asia,a global established pubilc company in china which offers chain management services for companies through out the world for all different sots of ma
EEA Time Ltd

$ 詢問
我司創立於1980年, 是香港一所具有良好信譽的半寶石企業有限公司, 主要業務是專營各種半寶石產品的生產加工, 出口業務; 進口, 批發半寶石加工所需的各種原材料. 我司的原石料主要來自於由印度, 南非, 巴西, 澳洲和美國等國家, 我司常備的石料包括虎眼石, 天然水晶, 紅晶, 紫晶, 閃光石, 阿根廷紅紋, 安力士和東陵等80種以上的石料可供客人選擇. 我司專門提供優良的技術及生產高質素的半
MMs. Chan

$ 詢問
國際機電有限公司成立於1992年,主要產品: 石英座檯鐘, 石英掛牆鐘, 木製石英座檯鐘, 機械鐘等....... 敝司在中國廣州設有工廠, 能夠提供優良的質量控制, 深獲國外客戶之讚譽。 最近敝廠更獲得ICTI及CT-PAT之國際認證。 聯絡:International Electrical Ltd 電話:2417 0924 電郵: [email protected] 網站: http://www.
IInternational Electrical Ltd

$ 詢問
Matime Manufacturers Limited is well diversed in manufacturing and exporting watches around the globe, dedicated not only to providing the best product but providing the best service as well. At Mati
MMatime Mfrs Ltd

$ 詢問
Ching Chi Industrial Company Limited was established in 1985 with the mission to manufacture, assemble and export fine watches worldwide. We have a Hong Kong office in Tsuen Wan and established a fac
MMr. Evan Chan

$ 詢問
Welcome to Xenses Xenses Enterprises Limited has been established since 2005. We specialise in manufacturing and distributing superior quality clock items to top brands markets, department stores, ch
XXenses Enterprises Ltd

$ 詢問
唯達時= 誠信爲先,破舊立新,蓬勃發展,別樹一幟,邁向成功 誕生于廿一世紀的鍾表品牌─ 唯達時,對時尚與時間皆有非一般的執著。集高雅時尚與精確時間于一身,遊走于寶貴與多采多姿之間,唯達時成爲生活中不可或缺的一部分。它爲崇尚摩登及高質量生活的你度身訂造,讓你無論上班或參加聚會都散發異彩。給追求時尚品味的新一代成功人士增添生活色彩。 唯達時腕表結合316L不繡鋼殼和帶、真皮皮帶、瑞士機芯/日本機芯,我
MMs. Choi

$ 詢問
Quality Products Fabrication (QPF) limited is a dynamic, creative company of great watch making technological capacity. Thanks to a long SWISS tradition and to constant innovation we offer the very b

$ 詢問
With over 15 years of experience in the fashion accessories industry,the Group has become one of the most respected names in the world fashion accessories industry.We provide one-stop service in orig
AArtist Empire Jewellery Enterprise Co Ltd

$ 詢問
Firmstock 有限公司是 您的夥伴在 設計和 生產, 我們可以幫助 把你的 想法和 創造 他們 的商品 到 最終產品 。 擁有超過 10 年的 創作經驗, 在轉變 異國情調的木材 與 各種 飾面 ,我們目前的 藏品包括 一個 廣泛的選擇 高端 收藏家 的奢侈品 展示櫃 - - 女士 男士 首飾 ,信譽 手錶, 雪茄 保濕盒 , 以及精緻 文具 - - 鋼筆 夾克, 獨特的遊戲 板, 折盒
FFirmstock Ltd.

$ 詢問
三輝珠寶有限公司於1978年成立,是一間具規模及出色的珠寶製造商。在成立初期,其業務主要是以銷售各類型寶石為主,其後經過不斷努力不懈地擴展其業務。時至今天,三輝已不僅是一間單是銷售珠寶的公司,其業務已發展為集設計和製作各類型珠寶首飾經銷商! 地址: 香港紅墈鶴園東街1號富恆工業大廈8樓809室 電話: (852) 2333-4277 (852) 2333-4278 傳真: (852) 2362-
PPeershine Jewellery HK Ltd.

$ 詢問
LJ International Inc. (NASDAQ/NMS:JADE) is the NASDAQ-listed company behind Lorenzo and its dazzling array of fine jewelry. Distinguished by its spectrum of vibrant colors, innovative designs and int
LLorenzo Jewelry Ltd.

$ 詢問
Adonia Jewellery Co. specializes in creating unique semi-precious and high-end silver jewellery. Our pieces are distributed to whole-sales, department stores, and retail shops for worldwide market. W
AAdonia Jewellery Company

$ 詢問
The Martech (HK) Co., Ltd. Specialize in designing and making fine crystal decoration items. We based in Hong Kong while the factory located in the Southern China. The Martech (HK) Co., Ltd. Speciali
MMartech (Hong Kong) Company Limited

$ 詢問
Be'vish首飾成立於 2006年。 其特點包括設計線條流暢,優美的曲線和詩意感的運動,把藝術融入生活元素的珠寶首飾。 品牌名稱“Be'vish”為代表的經典之一,卓越,致力於不斷改進其高品質的珠寶首飾。 作出了獨特的和持久的貢獻為世界珠寶首飾的設計和產品。 我們的任務是創造一個優雅接近聳人聽聞的設計,以產生一種獨特的珠寶首飾製作精美的婦女,這完全是自己的,能夠使他們脫

$ 詢問
The wood factory of Newcastle was established in Shanghai since 1996. The factory is surrounded by 80,000 of land next to a major highway, offering ample room for future growth and expansion. The com
NNewcastle Furniture Ltd

$ 詢問
About us YUWA GEMS LIMITED was founded by Mr NG Mok-Hay since 1974. We have over thirty years experience in manufacturing and wholesaling of Opal and Semi-Precious Stones. Our showroom is located in
YYuwa Gems Ltd.

$ 詢問
歡迎來到 Cyberbox ! 無論您 是OEM 買家, 批發商 /代理商, 珠寶 或零售商 , Cyberbox 更進一步 為您服務 。 我們 首先 協助 設計和開發 產品。 然後, 採取 額外的步驟 ,以確保 在生產過程中 的質量 一致性 。 然後,我們 提供 了廣闊 的陣列 後期製作 的個性化服務 如 合併 ,檢查, 落 運到 世界各地 的 各種設施 。 我們的目標 很簡單。 會 為您提供
CCyberbox HK Limited
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