Fisher-Price又一最新產品---Fimbles Roly Mo show系列之Little Bo BB發光音樂小象
全新未開盒, 本港無得賣!!!
外型趣緻可愛, 表層為毛纖可洗滌, 方便清潔;
按動小象右手會唱歌, 按動花瓣會說故事, 趣緻得意可愛;
國際名牌Fisher-Price產品安全性極高, 絕對信賴;
公仔有成 9寸高;
包裝齊備, 更送三顆AA電池.
***貨品交收只限星期六/日/公眾假期下午在九龍灣至官塘地鐵站, 其它日子及地鐵站要加HK$4!
***講價者一定唔覆, 立即列入黑名單!!!***
***For oversea trading, Please note that only HK Dollar is accepted and any electronic payment method is refused!
The transaction/trading procedure is listed as follows:
1/.Firstly, please list your interested items and number of qty in the email;
2/.I will quote you the total charge---product+postage—within 4 working days;
3/.You need to pay all postal charge;
4/.Please mail the total charge(product+postage)in HKD to me by putting it in envelope;
5/.After received the charge, relevant product will be mailed you via local post w/registered.
The following website is Hong Kong post office for your reference: