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  3. 文儀及精品- 辦公室器材

Pacific Decor was created to provide the local design community with products

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2013-09-26 刊登者: 香港太平洋家具有限公司


Founded in Hong Kong in 1974, Pacific Decor was created to provide the local design community with products not readily available for outfitting an office. Prior to the introduction of systems furniture, Hong Kong saw offices with traditional wood desking and credenzas. The continuous stream of international companies setting up their Asian headquarters meant that the market demanded value for their money, but they were also sophisticated enough to expect quality and aesthetics to enhance their overseas image. Pacific Decor addressed that market criteria with ourinitial lines of corporate furniture, and we quickly grew in both size and range of products available.

In the 1980's, with gradual increase in market share and establishment of corporate identity, Pacific Decor opened new offices. New products from the United States and Europe were introduced to receptive design communities, and these products paved the way for the firm to enter new areas of endeavour.

By the end of the 1990's, Pacific Decor had offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur. Our sister company Pacific Furnishings, specializing in soft furnishings such as textiles and flooring, opened in Hong Kong and Singapore.

OUR MISSION To provide the most complete range of outstanding interior products backed by an international group of quality manufacturers, and to reinforce our commitment to the Asian design community with competitive pricing and unparalleled service.


Our Sales Professionals are well trained and have extensive experience in the industry. Many of our professionals come from different parts of the world and speak a variety of languages and dialects. This ensures that we can attend to our diverse clients' needs.
We make regular visits with Architectural and Design firms to understand market trends and to update our product portfolio to suit current design standards and requirements. Most important, we listen to our end users' needs and make sure customers are fully satisfied with our services.

Lounge Chair
Classic Sofa
Coffee Table

Hong Kong     
Pacific Decor Limited
中環,雲咸街 44號
雲咸商業中心 26樓

Wyndham Place, 26th Floor
44 Wyndham Street
Central, Hong Kong

Phone.......+852 2520 2122
Fax...........+852 2865 4162


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