Portable massage bed
1. 木制折疊式按摩床 Portabe wooden massage bed HK$ 1100 / ea SIZE186*70*64~90cm WGT: 14 KG
2. 鋁合金折疊式按摩床 Portabe aluminum massage bed HK$ 1300 / ea SIZE 186*70*64~90cm WGT: 15 KG
3.按摩床 fixed massage table
產品規格size: 長190cm*寬70cm*高60cm
用料materials:噴漆鐵架iron frame,最受歡迎的皮料pvc(顏色可選),高級海綿
重量:毛重gross weight: 39KG
凈重netweight : 30KG
價格price: 1300
4. 充電艾鹽中藥溫灸包 Electric Chinese Medicine Bag for curing body sore HK$150 /ea
5 艾鹽中藥肩颈溫灸包Neck & shoulder curing with Chinese Medicine Bag HK$ 80/ea
6 艾鹽中藥溫灸包 Back curing with Chinese Medicine Bag HK$ 80/ea
7. 不銹鋼七輪按摩器stainless steel ball body massager HK$40/ea
8. 三角穴位按摩器 triangle massager HK$25/ea
由于网頁篇幅有限,以上产品如需图片可以另外电邮or查看FACEBOOK http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=84856&id=1577564538。or www.kernmassage.com
以上所有商品都不包含運輸費 all products be supplied not include transportation
联络人: (Echo) 97805236 江小姐
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