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瀛Phone 專業手機維修 iPhone及Samsung 各品牌手機 , 各類手機配件精品銷售

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2014-07-07 刊登者: mobilesolutionshk.morgan

本店專業維修 iPhone, Samsung , Sony, LG 及 任何品牌手機,

不論---> 爆Mon , 壞Home key , 開關制, 不能充電, 入水, 無聽筒聲, 無咪聲, 軟件升級,

解網絡鎖, Hang機 或手機其他不良徵狀, 更換Iphone入水紙或手機外殼!

IOS 7.1.2 完美Jailbreak

Whether LCD broken, bad Home key or power key respon, water damage, no earpiece sound, no microphone sound, softwarupgrades,Unlock network, Phone Hang, white apple icon or cell phone and other adverse symptoms, the replacement of water indicator paper for Iphone !

本店由香港人經營, 維修師傅於數大品牌大行共有十多年正統技巧及專業細心經驗,

My shop is handle by a hong kong Maintenance specialist, maintenance of the master in more big brands skills and a total of ten years regular experience, integrity and reliable!

免費為客人檢查手機 !!!
Check the phone free for customer !!!

現場即時維修, 真正專業可靠,

歡迎致電查詢: 51129526 黃先生


*****地址 : 旺角,快富街,洗衣街127B交界地鋪*****
G/F,127B Sai Yee Street, MongKok ,Kowloon.

(旺角港鐡站B2出口,直行至洗衣街口, 大約兩分鐘)
(on the border of Fife street and SaiYee street.MTR B2 exit.)

***本店同時銷售手機精品配件, 歡迎光臨參觀 !***

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性