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We offer most magnetics components including Power Inductors, Power Chokes

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2011-08-26 刊登者: Apline Electronics (Asia) Ltd.
Alpine is your source for electronics components - your best way to connect Asian manufacturers for electronic solution. We strive to deliver innovation and cost effective design solutions.

We offer most magnetics components including Power Inductors, Power Chokes, Toroidal Inductors, LAN Transformers and various custom transformers. Alpine also offers a miniature SMD magnetic buzzer to be used in various portable devices.

Alpine Electronics' mission is to fulfill customer's needs in every possible way. We focus on the fast-growing leading-edge markets for the spectrum of industrial, consumer and automotive electronics, and also the information and communications technology markets as well.

 Apline Electronics (Asia) Ltd.
Tel.: (852) 2741 2116   Fax.: (852) 2741 2336   Email: [email protected]
Unit B, 12/F, Easy Tower, 609 Tai Nan West Street, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon, Hong Kong
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