1. 88DB
  2. 買賣及批發
  3. 電子產品

We provide our customers with first-rate service and efficient support.

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2011-07-28 刊登者: Amazepc

       Amazepc (Hong Kong) Ltd was founded in Hong Kong in 1998.Our various products have been sold to USA, Singapore, Middle East, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Mainland China. After the success of E-Panel P3 Series, E-panel P4 series is going to be unveiled soon. Followed the idea of "MIS" (Make It Simple), E-panel P4 series is slimmer and more compact.In the this year 05 years first half year, our product design continues to continue to use "MIS" the idea, promotes 17 inch high clear LCD the AM920 series; But same time we also officially step in the trade with the POS machine design, and the innovation idea success design new goods come into the market generation of POS machine the---EPOS brand, its extended design aspect is more comprehensive than general POS machine, but has achieved the highest artistic level in the outward appearance design.

      "Customer First" is Amazepc's motto. We provide our customers with first-rate service and efficient support.

       Being a highly flexible and adaptable company, Amazepc has won remarkable market share and is expected to be the leadership of All-In-One computer.
香港店地址: 香港九龍深水埗桂林街141號高登電腦廣場新翼11號
電話: (+852)2725 2517 
[email protected]      [email protected]

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