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現貨Bulk Pack Boxest 紅色 Jawbone Bluetooth iphone 絕配 藍芽耳機保養期特快特長

更新於: 2007-11-12 2,837 刊登者: j76u2001

Bulk Pack $ 620- 保養期 1 個月,1 個月有壞包換
Boxset $ 1299 -  保養期 1 年,1年內有壞包換

配件4 個 耳塞、4 個耳掛、一條 USB 差電、一個 USB 防塵套 、英文說明書

Jawbone 因為 Iphone ge 出現,而家 Bulk pad 貨源已經超緊張
來貨時有時無,加上來貨價已經升左 $ 100 一隻啦,所以價錢已經比已前貴左,唔好意思呀 >.< 

Welcome Overseas buyer , Accept Credit Card or Paypal
( + 4 % service charge )

交收時間同地點 : 星期一、二、三、四

1. 5:05 中環地鐵站裡面A出口閘口位
2. 5:30 旺角地鐵站裡面恆生銀行 ( 近E出口 )
3. 5:30 深水步地鐵站裡面C,D閘口 ( 近C,D出口 ) 

( 多數係 2:30 深水步地鐵站 )

Official website : www.jawbone.com
Demo : http://jawbone.com/demo.php?utm_ ... m_medium=promo_demo

Noise Shield Technology.

Jawbone is the world’s first adaptive Bluetooth headset for mobile phones. Its revolutionary Noise Shield technology combines the latest innovations in acoustics, audio processing and product design to produce a quantum leap in headset performance.

Not only does the Jawbone technology virtually eliminate all background noise from your call, but as your background changes it also seamlessly adjusts the speaker output so you can hear your caller’s voice better. Jawbone’s intelligent system of sensors, software, and ergonomic features allows you to use your mobile phone in any environment without shouting or straining to hear. The result is a clear, uninterrupted, and productive conversation.

Jawbone Technology Breakthroughs

Jawbone identifies your speech: A proprietary voice activity sensor identifies precisely when you are speaking, in any noise environment. Unlike other headsets, Jawbone can easily separate your speech from other sound nearby.

Jawbone eliminates noise: Jawbone uses highly directional microphones and powerful signal processing algorithms to remove background noise from your ongoing speech signal. This allows you to be heard clearly in any environment without the need to shout and disturb others around you.

Jawbone automatically enhances incoming audio: The volume and frequency content of the incoming speech is dynamically adjusted to maximize intelligibility in any noise environment. No matter where you are, Jawbone will adapt to your environment.
