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Quality One Piece Dress for Women Online Worldwide - OnePiece-Dress.COM

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2016-11-20 刊登者: One Piece Dress

One Piece Dress Online Shop OnePiece-Dress.com provides Quality, Unique, Beautiful One Piece Dress of Best Design - Over $300 Free Ship

OnePiece-Dress.COM is an online one-piece dress shop for all women around the world looking for high-quality, special and beautiful one-piece dresses of unique designs.

OnePiece-Dress.COM is co-operated by several big-scale clothing factories specializing in producing high-quality women dresses, while the online system is technically managed and marketed by TT Group LTD (Hong Kong).

OnePiece-Dress.COM, brings in the new business model (Manufacturer-to-Customer M2C) and shape the way for women to shop dresses in many years to come.

Contact Information
OnePiece-Dress.COM by TT GROUP LTD

HK Logistics Center (Non-showroom No-visitors): 2/F, 49 Wang Lung Street, Tsuen Wan, NT, HK

HK Tel.: (852) 3914 5200 (GMT+8 11:00-23:00 Mon-Sun)

Whatsapp/WeChat/Line: (+852) 906 18207

>>> www.onepiece-dress.com <<<

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