New launch own designed nice bracelet with Swarovski charms and chain. You can also select the charms with difference color under your own combination. It is time for you to plan for your Christmas gift. Come to visit FB "Own design Pendant" with lot of other options for your choice. Please PM or Wechat 66893036
Swarovski吊飾手錬新登場啦! 好多款式隨便揀, 大家仲可以揀自己鍾意嘅吊飾同顏色自由配撘. 係時候準備聖誕禮物啦! 快D嚟FB "Own design Pendant" 睇吓啦! 仲有好多其他飾物可以選擇. 有意請PM or Wechat 66893036