更新於: 2007-04-23
刊登者: 阿麥書房
《Yasmina Reza:Plays One》 作者: Yasmina Reza 出版社: Faber & Faber 定價:HK$215.00 會員價:HK$172.00
Yasmina Reza's plays reflect the razor sharp wit, social commentary, and impeccable comedic timing that have earned the praise of critics throughout the world, none more so than the Tony Award-winning Art, an eccentric and clever play of ideas that took the American theater community by storm. In this sly critique of contemporary relationships, Reza skillfully picks apart the friendship of three men via a bowl of olives and a white-on-white painting. Now translated into more than 30 languages, Art continues to be performed worldwide, even as Reza's other plays have garnered similar acclaim. Life x 3, Reza's most recent offering, again highlights her satirical wit as two couples face off in three different versions of the dinner from hell. Praised as "compact, cool and clever" by Christopher Isherwood of Variety, Reza uses the acidic exchanges of her characters to illuminate their inner desire for love and acceptance. Also included in this edition are two earlier plays, The Unexpected Man and Conversations After a Burial. Each elucidates the startling difference between public and private life, be it in the confines of a train compartment or a country estate in the aftermath of a loved one's passing.
其中《藝術》Art 曾由香港話劇團於2007年演出 《藝術》是當今法國屈指可數的女劇作家雅絲曼娜‧雷莎最受讚譽的喜劇作品,富有深層哲學思維的黑色喜劇味道。 故事講述的是一個發生在三個男性之間的動人故事──三個在職業、年齡、性格和興趣愛好上迥然不同,卻又情同手足的男性好友,為了一幅高價的後現代藝術作品「白色的畫」,引發連串的爭議,從而勾起價值觀、人生觀、友誼關係等種種危機,爆發了一場撕心裂肺的感情風暴。此劇由【香港話劇團】三位資深男演員周志輝、潘燦良及辛偉強擔綱演出,分別飾演劇中的馬克(Marc)、思哲(Serge)及易邦(Yvan)。以幽默的手法通過三個人物的爭論輕鬆地探討男人心態,笑中有淚,給觀眾帶來了笑聲、帶來了感動,也帶來了某種生活的哲理