賣f.3-f.5書 !! 超級平丫; )
紅色線+ $0 ; )
其他線`+$5 F.3;
科學(ENG) (a,b,c) ($60-1本/$150-3本):
英文listening (100% new)($35):
歷史(上,下) ($60-2本):
F.3-5 exercise: *HOT * 因為有好多本, upload唔晒d相, 想要睇相可個別問我,
簫源x3 regular +3capture A and 周勤才x3 中五 中文補習 notes whole set total $300, separtate $ 100
中文教科書與參考書 Exploring Mathematics 4A 4B 5A分裝版 (Exploring Mathematics 4A 4B 5A 90-95%new)
中文水平參照等級描述及示例 (會考適用)
睇岩就出聲喇; )
[email protected]
Book and Price List :]
No. | Book | Selling Price (>60% off) |
中國語文 |
1. | 香港中學會考中國語文科水平參照等級描述及示例 | $24 |
2. | 中國語文科專輯試卷【5輯】 | $30 |
3. | 周勤才中五補習筆記(九月-十一月) | $150 |
4. | 蕭源中五補習筆記(issue 4-6)(十二月-二月) | $150 |
5. | 蕭源Capture A補習筆記(卷一-卷五) | $100 |
English Language |
8. | HKCEE Suggested Solution Eng (SYL B) (96-05) + Mock Paper | $15 |
Mathematics |
14. | HKCEE Suggested Solution (80-07)(28 Years) | 20 |
Additional Mathematics |
16. | New Certificate Additional Mathematics: Complete Notes and Exam Practices 1 | $40 |
17. | New Certificate Additional Mathematics: Complete Notes and Exam Practices 2 | $40 |
18. | Intensive Additional Mathematics | $40 |
19. | HKCEE Past Paper (影印釘裝本) | $50 |
20. | HKCEE Suggested Solution (79-07)(29Years) | $20 |
Physics |
23. | 物理會考:易、點、通 | $40 |
24. | HKCEE Past Paper Paper 1+2 (影印釘裝本) (include marking) | $130 |
Chemistry |
26. | Proficiency in Chemistry (M.C.) | $35 |
27. | HKCEE Past Paper Paper 1+2 (影印釘裝本) (include marking) | $80 |
Biology |
30. | Tackling Problems in Certificate Biology 2 | $40 |
31. | New Biology (a modern approach) Photomicrograph Exercise Book (With CD-Rom) | $30 |
32. | Certificate Biology – New Mastering Basic Concepts: Photomicrographs in Biology Assignment Book(影印本) | $10 |
33. | HKCEE Past Paper Paper 1+2 (影印釘裝本) (include marking) | $130 |
Principles of Accounts |
35. | HKCEE Past Paper 03-07(影印釘裝本) (include marking) | $30 |