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此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2007-08-19 刊登者: gloriahehe


電腦   1. computer for tomorrow 3A- LAI YIU CHI -MANHATTAN

中史   2. 探索中國史3- 陳漢森,陳錦輝,陳佳榮 - 齡記出版

PHYSICS   3. new physics at work heat 1A  (second edition) - tao ping kee- oxford

地理  4. living geography 3A & 3B  (2nd edition) - longman

數學   5. mathematics for tomorrow  3A&3B (2nd edition) - MANHATTAN
EPA  6. Hong Kong in Focus 3A - Eddie cheng - MANHATTAN


BIO.  8. Certificate Biology New Mastering Basic Concepts 1- Pang king Chee - Oxford

普通話  9. 說好普通話(進階單元)中三 - 香港教育圖書公司

音樂   10.  integrated music 3  - Hong kong music publisher

CHEM 11.  Chemistry a modern view 1 - ARISTO 

CHEM 12. Chemistry a modern view 1  Experiment workbook - ARISTO 
[color=Red]中四 中五↓[/color]

chem   13.  Chemistry a modern view 2, 3- ARISTO 

AMATHS   14. New Progress in Additional mathematics  1,2,3 - S.W.LI,W.H.WONG,C.M.YEUNG

AMATHS   15. Additional mathematics volume 1 ( Third edition ) - K.H.YEUNG, GARY YOUDE - Grand global

AMATHS   16. Additional mathematics (pure mathematics a modern course) volume 1 ( fourth edition ) -
                       w.k.chow, p.f.so, k.y.tam, w.k.mui  -  chung tai educational press
BIO.   17. Certificate Biology New Mastering Basic Concepts 2,3- Pang king Chee - Oxford

BIO.  18. Bio (恐龍書)basic principles in biology(book2) - y.k.to - Hung fung book co.,Ltd

Physics   19. New physics at work (electricity and magnetism,atomic physics) 2- Tao ping kee - oxford

Physics   20. New physics at work (electricity and magnetism,atomic physics) 2 activity book- Tao ping kee - oxford

Physics   21. Physicd Now heat - P.C.W. FUNG,K.K.TSANG - MACMILIAN NEW SEA

Physics   22. Physicd Now waves  - P.C.W. FUNG,K.K.TSANG - MACMILIAN NEW SEA

Physics   23. Physicd Now Mechanics - P.C.W. FUNG,K.K.TSANG - MACMILIAN NEW SEA

Physics   24. Physics worked examples & graded exercises 1 ( fifth edition ,with core&extension sections)- y.h.ng, s.m.tsoi, p.h.ng, k.s.kong - aristo

last minute 25.  Last Minute mathematics hkcee (會考課程精華)
                          Last Minute hkcee (會考課程精華) 一共有 中,英,數,phy,chem,bio,econ,amaths

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對於中四五PHYCHEMBIO仲有好多書.  可查問.應該會有.仲有好多= =

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