1. 88DB
  2. 買賣及批發
  3. 書籍及光碟

會考各名師筆記 (derek liu, simon chiang, linda lau, 蕭源)及各ex.

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2007-07-08 刊登者: cathy

. 本人是應屆會考生




新課程F.4 Derek Liu 36堂的regular note


新課程F.5 Derek Liu 7colorfulregular note


Derek Liu listening 練習(CD), reading (paper 1A)練習


spelling king, spelling queen  (reference book)


新課程capture Apaper 筆記   *(4)


F. Shum reading (paper 1A ) 練習2


F. Shum listening 練習 (CD)


mock  ----有名師出 + 出版社


新課程sample papers and information on standards-referenced Assessment ----由考評局出版


新課程 paper 3 Speaking (Guidelines for Candidates)   (reference book) 

F. 4 + F. 5 regular 筆記送





Linda Lau F.4-F. 5 regular note


capture A + tips class 筆記


Graded MC 1080 練習3 ----by Samuel Chan



練習Data-response Question 50 for NEW CE GEOGRAPHY ----by Samuel Chan


New way to CE GEOGRAPHY (reference book=Samuel Chan regular note)


Mastering CE-Level Practical Skills in Geography ----by Samuel Chan  (map- reading 練習)






HL tam F4-5 regular note


CW Sham 筆記 (E & M)


HL tam capture A 筆記   (貼中)


MC 練習----Pilot's 出版

買以上所以PHY 筆記+ $20

Worked Examples & Graded Exercises 練習  ---- ARISTO出版

買以上所以PHY 筆記+ $20




英皇Alan Cheng F4-5 regular note


會考J K Wong F.4 -5 regular  note


Alan Cheng capture A 筆記

買以上CHEM 筆記送

MC 練習 ---- Pilot's 出版

Alan Cheng regular note

HKCEE Chemistry Q &A練習 ---- Hung Fung 出版

買以上所以CHEM 筆記+ $20



Simon Chiang F.4-5 regular note


Simon Chiang Capture A 筆記

Simon Chiang F.4-5 regular note+$20

Biology MC 練習 ---- Takka Edu Books Co.出版


Biology LQ 練習 ---- Takka Edu Books Co. 出版

Simon Chiang F.4-5 regular note

New Certificate Biology 練習---- Hong Kong Education Publishing Co.出版









WL LEE F.5 intensive note


Wilson Liu F.4 intensive note


HKCEE Mathematics MCQ ----Longman 出版

WL LEE F.5 intensive note + $20

HKCEE Mathematics key concepts, Tips and Exercises---- Longman 出版


New Progress in Certificate Mathematics Conventional Questions ----Hong Kong Education Publishing Co. 出版


Tactics on certificate Mathematics MCQ ----Multimedia Services Limited 出版

Wilson Liu F.4 intensive note



Kevin Ko F.4-F. 5 regular note


Kevin Ko capture A筆記


 MC 練習  ----- Kevin Ko 出版

買以上kevin ko 筆記+ $20 一本 (全新)


  • 以上貨品適合新課程 (starting from 2007)

            另有各科近15past paper. English vision...             

如有意, 請回覆.

[email protected],

Thank you


聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性