Why Playep? 做咩玩野? Playep玩野係為香港而設嘅玩具網站,帶俾你本港市面最新又少見嘅細蚊仔玩具。我哋嘅玩野電視 更會每週為你開箱試玩,而玩野網店就提供免費送貨到你府上同埋21日無條件退貨保證。 Ill now recap in English: Playep is all about awesome toys that cant be easily found in Hong Kong. We provide free shipping to your door, as well as 21 days no questions asked return. Contact US: Customer Support: +852 2108 7177 Whatsapp: 9757 7920 Instagram: playep_hk Email: help@playep.co Website: playep.co Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/playephk Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrerhvBY-wwHudS9naxGwGQ