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At Mother Organic, we only stock the best quality organic and natural products

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2013-11-04 刊登者: Mother Organic

Did you know that large amount of chemicals are applied to most mattress to meet the fire retardant standard? Did you know that cotton uses nearly 25% of all insecticides applied to agricultural crops? Did you know how the chemicals on your everyday cream are affecting you?

Your babies are vulnerable. It is important to provide them a pure and natural environment, especially in their first few years of life, since their body and immune system are still being developed. This is why Mother Organic is founded.

Mother Organic is a one-stop organic shop for babies and mothers. At Mother Organic, we only stock the best quality organic and natural products. At Mother Organic, you may find different ranges of products from bedding, skincare products, clothing to food.

Our philosophy is that we only stock products that we would recommend to our friends, make shopping organic products more convenient and provide good product knowledge to our customers so that more people are aware of the impact of the chemicals to us, to our babies and to our environment.

At "Mother Organic", we think that high quality organic products should not be a luxury enjoyed only by the privileged. More people will be able to benefit, not only to themselves, but also to the Earth if more people use organic products. Therefore, at Mother Organic, we strive to provide high quality products at value for money prices.

Please feel free to contact us at the following address:

Retail Store Address:
Room 301, Hong Kong House, 17-19 Wellington Street, Central, Hong Kong
(Close to entertainment building, opposite to Yung Kee Restaurant)
MTR Central station D2 exit

Please click the map on the right to enlarge the map and see the location more clearer.

Telephone: 2521-1162

Operating Hour:
Monday to Saturday 11 am to 7pm.
Close on Sunday

Email: [email protected]
Website: www.mother-organic.com


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