1. 88DB
  2. 商業
  3. 商業優惠


此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2011-02-14 刊登者: 登峯公司

Distinct (O.S.) Co., is one of the most experience , biggest stationery and office supply's supplier in Hong Kong.
Our client's satisfactory is our main goal since our establishment of 1970's. Competitive price , good quality , delivery on time are the secret of our success .

Our expertise sales team plus the back up of our factory in China enable us to be one of the major supplier in the stationery market .

You are welcome to contact us for any kind of inquiry of stationery or office supply. Simply send us an e-mail and our sales department will reply you
accordingly !

本文儀公司為全港最有實力之文具包裝用品供應商之一‧「以客為尊」 為本公司開業二十多年來一向宗旨‧除可提供辦公室內所有用品外, 資深的營業代表,亦是以各客戶解決所有有關文儀上之問題‧優質之 貨品亦能大大提昇客人公司之業務‧包裝物料更自設廠房,每日不停 生產,為各客戶提供所需之貨源‧銷貨範圍遍及本地,國內及海外‧ 歡迎致電或電郵查詢‧

地址 :
香港九龍觀塘鴻圖道88號志聯中心3字樓 B 座

Block B , 3/F , Ray Centre ,
88 Hung To Road , Kwun Tong , Kowloon, Hong Kong .

Tel : (852) 2304 4889
Fax : (852) 2763 5509
Website :
E-mail : [email protected]

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性