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Systems Scanning Ltd提供條碼打印機、條碼掃描槍及條碼檢測儀等產品

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2012-04-23 刊登者: Systems Scanning Ltd.

istory and scope of business

Founded in 1989,Systems Scanning specializes in the provision of AUTO-ID solutions, an extensive range of barcode / RFID printers,handheld terminals,scanner,verifiers, and logistics solutions.

Satisfyling the needs of customer has always been the motto of Systems Scanning.Our business philosophy is to keep on understand their needs and do our best to fulfill them.After sales supporting services including preveritive maintenance,troubles shooting on-site,web/online support ... are closely monitored to ensure our clients experience a platinum level of care.

This is the way Systems Scanning grows.

Our AUTO-ID solutions are designed for industries like transportation,distribution,manufacturing with focus on warehouse and production control,printing service,track & trace,and ERP intergrations.Clients include different sectors: HK govement departments like Hospital Authority,Trade Development Council,Post Office,Library,...;Logistics like Cargo terminals operators,Freitht fonwards ...; Utilties like MTR,KCRC,TOWNGAS...;Blue Chip Corportation like PCCW(HK Telecom),Hutchison...;Manutacturing giants like SAE,Kyocera,Philips,Hitachi Semiconductor and many more.Based in Hong Kong,we have expanded our business by establishing offices in region in China - Shanghai,Guangzhou,and DongGuan over the past years.

Product Lines - We provide platinum Data Capture Technology & Services

Systems Scanning has been distributing INTERMEC, TEC, HHP, PSC, INSIDE barcode & RFID products for years.

We focus in providing Bar Code Printing Solution & Consumables, Smart Label, Data Capture Solutions, Track & Trace Systems, Industrial Mobile, Computing Solutions, Warehouse Management and other Logistics-Related Solutions.

RFID Smart Label & Bar Code Consumable & Labeling Services

To provide our best services in barcode printing solutions, two label converting & printing factories were established both in Hong Kong and Guangzhou to ensure the most competitive offer and the quickest delivery in 2002.

Lease Hardware+Program for stock count Services

To provide our best services in Lease Hardware+Program for stock count ,we lease PPT120E mobile terminal and stock count program for you both in Hong Kong and Guangzhou.


Thanks to our committed sales & support professionals, following brands got very high market acceptance and applause from various industries leading customers:
INTERMEC mobile computer, RFID & barcode devices,     Intermec
Toshiba TEC barcode printer,     barcode printer
Honeywell (Include HHP +Metrologic ) image based data collection system, barcode verifier,     Honeywell
PSC+Datalogic mobile data terminal & POS barcode scanner,     PSC Scanner
INSIDE contact-less smart card and RFID chips & hardware platform     
Avery RFID LABEL RFID Qualified Converter of Avery Dennison     
Avery Dennison RFID Label


Our professionals are our most valuable assets.
    In 1996, we developed 3P LMS, a warehouse management system specially designed for the 3rd party logistics industry in Hong Kong and China. 3P LMS is widely accepted by Hong Kong logistics industry and is now the best seller for those mediums to large sizes 3rd party logistics players.

Interface with various mainframes & existing ERP are a major key factor in implementing a frontline technology project. Systems Scanning implement numerous projects with:

Based on customers' ideas & requirements, our experienced business analysts and professional programmers provide easy-to-use application packages to streamline operations to get the maximum benefit of bar-code & RFID.

Hong Kong Main Office:

[email protected]

Flat B, 9/F., China Fen Hin Building, 5 Cheung Yue Street, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon
Tel: (852)23702227 Fax: 23702054

Guangzhou Office :

[email protected]

Tel: 86-20-87610063 Fax: 86-20-87610213

Shanghai Office:

[email protected]

上海延安西路1228弄2號嘉利大廈5H, ZIP:200052
Tel: 86-21-62825319 Fax: 86-21-62825283



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