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  2. 商業
  3. 辦公室傢俬及設備

To provide quality technology products and related services in a reliable

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2015-07-08 刊登者: 當迅科技有限公司

Citifax Information Management Limited start business in 1992 to provide information management solution through computer-based technology products.

Our target clients mainly focus on customers who have the needs to implement client / server products in their LAN/WAN network.

CITIFAXs business operations are committed to fulfilling the advancing requirements of technology products in Hong Kong, China with special regard to efficiency, cost effective and improvement of computerized information management environment.

Through our distribution channels, the customer bases are continuously being expanded as a result of valuable goodwill referred by existing customers. Our products are solid proven, we have large installation scale of server products in Hong Kong and our customers are repeatingly order our products to keep pace with their technology advancement.

To provide quality technology products and related services in a reliable, cost-effective and technical-know-how responsible manner.

Our Core Values
Keep customers first
Continue improving

Citifax Information Management Limited
Block A, 16th floor, Yan's Tower,
27 Wong Chuk Hang Road,
Hong Kong.

Telephone: (852) 2836 3131
Fax: (852) 2832 9608
Email: [email protected]
Web Site : http://citifax.com.hk/

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性