Commercial & Corporate
P. C. Woo & Co. aims to provide top-notch services and creative solutions to a wide range of commercial and corporate finance matters to both overseas and Hong Kong clients. We have established ourselves as one of the major players in the field with a diversified clientele ranging from financial institutions, public bodies, listed companies to private enterprises. Our partners' close association with many public bodies and charitable organizations enable us to have extensive experience in serving public bodies and claim to be one of the top local solicitors' firms in Hong Kong which can provide highly specialized services in this area.
We advise on a broad range of corporate and commercial transactions, including:
- Merger & Acquisition
- Corporate finance transactions
- Regulatory compliance
- Banking & finance
- General commercial matters
- Company secretarial services
- Intellectual property rights
- Information technology & E-commerce
- Corporate governance
Merger & Acquisition
Businesses grow by physical expansion or through mergers and acquisitions. M & A transactions require the proper structure, careful risk analysis and forward planning to deliver value and ensure success. Regulatory and governance issues must be clearly understood. The finance, tax, employment and intellectual property requirements must be aligned with the strategic objectives of the deal. Parties involved in such transactions demand the advice and support of quality and experienced professionals.
The trend of going cross-border and global in terms of business expansion and development by our clients in Hong Kong and on the Mainland of China in the past decade fuelled the acceleration of the development of the M & A practice of P. C. Woo & Co.
The lawyers of P. C. Woo & Co.'s M & A team together with their colleagues of the Perfectus Alliance can offer unrivalled local expertise on all aspects of public or private corporate transactions in Hong Kong and the Mainland of China. The ability of our lawyers to work together seamlessly, coordinate complex transactions successfully, address regulatory requirements, prepare local documentation, advise on tax matters, assist in due diligence investigations and deliver the required legal opinions covering multiple jurisdictions is a unique aspect of our practice fully endorsed by our clients.
The Partner-in-charge of this practice area is Mr. Henry Lai.
Corporate Finance Transactions
- Listing of securities and derivative products of companies on the Main Board and the Growth Enterprise Market of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited .
- Advising on rights issues, warrants and convertible bonds
- Advising on group reorganization, schemes of arrangements and capital reorganizations
Regulatory Compliance
- Enquiry and investigation by the Securities and Futures Commission
- Acquisition and disposition of shares, assets, businesses and companies
- Documentation, notices, announcements and circulars involving listed companies
- Notifiable transactions under the Securities and Futures Ordinance including very substantial acquisition, major transactions, discloseable transactions and connected transactions
- Application for resumption for trading of shares on the stock exchange
- Disciplinary proceedings involving listed companies
The Partner-in-charge of these 2 practice areas is Mr. Albert Lam.
Banking & Finance
- Project finance
- Financing and funding transactions including bank financing and mortgage portfolio transfer
- Securitisation and structured finance
The Partner-in-charge of this practice area is Miss. Elsa Cheng.
General Commercial Matters
- Sale and acquisition of shares, companies, assets or businesses
- Formation and dissolution of partnership
- Establishment of joint ventures
- Application for requisite licences and permits
- Drafting general commercial agreements including shareholders agreement, licence agreement, employment agreement, technology and design contract, as well as franchise and distributorship agreements
- Advising on provident and pension fund matters
The Partner-in-charge of this practice area is Miss. Claudia Ling.
Company Secretarial Service
P. C. Woo & Co. offers company secretarial services through a wholly-owned subsidiary of our Firm. Clients can also obtain legal advice on corporate services issues and a whole range of other matters through our firm's extensive areas of practice.
Our company secretarial services include:
- Acquisition of shelf companies and incorporation of companies in Hong Kong and other overseas jurisdictions
- Provision of nominee services
- Provision of company services, registered office and annual retainer services, filing of annual returns and other documents for companies incorporated in Hong Kong and other jurisdictions
The Manager of our Company Secretarial Service Company - WooCo Secretarial Services Limited is Miss. Stephanie Lam.
我們的展望 - 成為一所在香港、內地及世界上的傑出律師事務所,有效地服務客戶的要求
我們的使命 我們承諾提供 - 給我們的客戶高優質的業務和收費相宜的服務
- 實踐我們員工的事業和職業上的滿足
- 在我們法律專業上,操守著法律行業的廉潔和繼續支持法律教育及對法律界的畢業生提出就業的良機
- 及承諾對我們的社會作好市民共同的責任。
關於胡百全律師事務所 |
< | 本所始創於1945年、為香港貢獻優質及有效的法律服務。我們已於2005年十月十四日舉行本所六十週年慶典。此慶典包括當日下午三時半在香港聖公會聖約翰座堂之感恩崇拜及下午五時至八時於香港會所之慶祝酒會。
< | 本所的辦事處位於中環商業中心並與中國大陸及世界各大城市的聯絡人設有完善的互聯網絡系統。 |
< | 本所的廣泛服務範圍包括以下各項: |
| - 一般商業
- 企業融資、重組、合併及收購等
- 地產及物業買賣、協商、發展、租契及執行等
- 民事及刑事訴訟
- 遺產承辦及信託管理
- 稅務問題
- 中國大陸投資及爭議解決
- 為中國大陸用的文件公證及其他世界各地所用的文件宣誓證明
- 為香港學校的贊助及提供教育服務
- 為公益及非政府團體服務
< | 本所專為政府部門、公營機構、商業機構及私人客戶及非政府團體服務 |
< | 為香港及中國大陸的進步與發展作出積極參與的承諾 |
地址: 香港中環遮打道 10 號,太子大廈 12 樓
電話: (852) 2533 7700
圖文傳真: (852) 2810 1179
電傳: [email protected]
網址: http://www.pcwoo.com