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本人現為提高服務質素, 現實行一個收費的改文服務!

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2008-03-15 刊登者: pendas_n_guins
Owing its convenient function, weblogs are often referred to as an ideal way to express their feelings and communicate with others. For instance, because it can always update information, the shy people can seize this oppurtunity to exude their emotions and allow their family or friends to understand them better. Moreover, from time to time, it is difficult for shy people to say things like thank you or sorry because they might feel embarassed or uncomfortable. It is much easier for them to express their ideas in weblogs rather than the situation of face to face. Therefore, writing weblogs is a good way to hence our friendship.

本人現為提高服務質素, 現實行一個收費的改文服務!
如有需要, 請把文章 E-mail 給我, 我會再給予報價。
聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性