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Ricodio Innovative Corporate Development Solution

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2019-02-13 刊登者: ricodio
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Ricodio - Corporate development solution for SME to expand business in an innovative cost-effective way

As a startup, we understand SME and startup always having limited resources to expand business quickly

Vision- TO ASSIST SME to create their global sale channel with fewer barriers

Mission-TO HELP Startup & SME to set up online and offline channel to expand their business in the overseas market especially China & US

WE DO PROVIDE the following service

1. E-commerce consultation

2. E-commerce web & app design

3. Digital Marketing

4. Business consultation

5. Business setup

6. Branding

7. Financial

8. Sourcing & logistics etc

Please visit our website to explore more

Welcome to contact us  

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