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中國進口預包裝食品產品評估及標籤咨詢服務 Product Evaluation and Consultation of Labeling for Imported Prepackaged Food

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2014-03-28 刊登者: China Commercial Link (H.E.) International Limited









  1. 食品配方及工藝的全面評估
  2. 進口食品標籤管理相關法規及技術標準專業諮詢
  3. 標籤格式、版面和標注內容專業審核
  4. 提出全面、精確的標籤整改建議
  5. 對符合規定的標籤簽發《進口食品標籤諮詢報告》


Announcement on Operations of Import Prepackaged Food Labeling Management System


According to recent stipulations of the “Food Safety Law of the People’s Republic if China” (Announcement No.59, 2011), AQSIQ decided to start the operations of the import prepackaged food labeling management system) as of 1 June, 2011.


After the setup of food labeling management system, for those prepackaged food that importing into China in the first time, importer shall submit related materials for labeling inspection.  If the materials are up to the requirements, labeling information will be recorded in the management system and a filing number will be issued.


For the prepackaged food product with filing number granted, it is not required to have label inspection in the future import.


One-Stop Consultation Services


Full review of product formulation

  1. Food Labeling related laws and standards enquiries
  2. Comprehensive label revising suggestion
  3. Assistance in designing food labels to comply with China standards
  4. Issuance of <Import Food Labeling Consultation Report>
  5. Preparation of digital copy of the food label and dossier according to required standard. Filing service for Import Prepackaged Food Labeling Management System

Contact Us

China Commercial Link (H.E.) International Limited

Email:  [email protected]

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