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Mattress Cleaning and Dust Mites control

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2009-01-12 刊登者: HygienitechHK
Professional Mattress Cleaning Service

About 80% of allergies related to dust mites, and  the mattress is the breeding ground for the dust mites, dust mites feed of human dead skin, and it is the main source of allergen at home, it cause asthma, eczema, fatigue, bronchits, and other health problems.

How long you wear a clothes, may be one/two day(s) only, will you ware a clothes for 3-5 years? it is what the case between you and your mattress. Now you can imagine how soil the mattress is after used for a few years

We may clean & sanitize all items inside the bed room except the mattress, because we don't aware the mattress need to clean  in regular basis.

And also it is not easy to clean the mattress effectively, in most case you will not see the dust mites, dust mites body, dust mites egg and our dead skin on the mattress. If you can't see it, how can you clean it completely. 

Now, thanks to the revolutionary new Hygienitech Mattress Sanitizing Servie. You can enjoy sanitized, allergen and dust mites free bedding. Here is how it works.

The Hygienitech system utilizes a combination of low-grade radiation, (a UV-C germicidal light, the same light used to kill bacteria, viruses, Anthrax spores, sterilize medical instruments, purify water, etc.) high frequency sound and incredible suction to remove dust mites, dust mite eggs, fungal sports, viruses and other harmful bacteria embedded in every mattress, regardless of it’s age or style.

Our sanitizing process will not only benefit the allergy sufferer, but also provide significant benefits to non-allergy sufferers as well, resulting in a better night’s sleep. And best of all, the entire dry and chemical-free Hygienitech mattress sanitizing process is low cost and takes only minutes to perform.Now, Hygienitech Mattress Sanitizing Servie has more than 450 dealers and cover more than 30 countries around the world, helping  thousands of people to ease their symptoms of allergies and asthma.

We also provide FREE  Bed Contaminations test.

If you or your family member are suffer from chronic allergy without reason, this test may help you to find out the root cause.

Take charge of your health and rid your home of Dust Mite and Bed Bugs to-day.

Call 3421 1538 / 9835 4173 Mr. Wong Today

Please visit website for details: 


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