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  2. 商業
  3. 建築及建造

Our Association is proud to promote the interests of fire services

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2012-03-02 刊登者: 衛 保 消 防 工 程 顧 問 有 限 公 司

It gives me a great pleasure to write this statement here on behalf of the 12th Board of Councils of The Association of Registered Fire Service Installation Contractors of Hong Kong Limited. The term of office of the 12th Board of Councils started on 12 August 2006. Starting from 10th Board of Councils, each term shall be two years.

The Association was formed in 1974 when the registration system for fire service installation contractors was first time introduced in Hong Kong with 32 members.

In 1993 we changed the status of our Association to a non-profit making limited company. Now, we have over 80 company members, which represent about 70% - 80% of active Registered Fire Service Installation Contractors in Hong Kong.

The Association is managed by an Executive Council; there are 12 council members in the Executive Council. Our Association is proud to promote the interests of fire services installation industry in Hong Kong.

Aim of The Association

The Association's objectives are :

    To promote the interests of Registered Fire Service Installation Contractors of Hong Kong by every proper and lawful means.
    To serve the community better as a whole to co-ordinate and safeguard the activities of our members in their regular business as Fire Services Installation engineers and contractors.
    To encourage any improvement development in the technology for Fire Service Installation.
    To represent the interests of our members in commissions equalities or litigation and in matters of legislation by government in local authorities as well as standard committee.
    Development in year 2006/2008 (the 12th Board of Councils)
    To develop training for all levels of practitioners.
    To strength our liaison with other international and local fire engineering organizations.
    To continue our participation in all activities related to promotion of fire safety.

Address:     Room 1801, 18/F., Tung Wai Commercial Building 109-111 Gloucester Road Wanchai, Hong Kong

Tel :     (852) 2390-6368

Fax :     (852) 2191-7853

Email :     [email protected]


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