Beaute Care以真誠服務,以顧客為依歸的經營理念.我們會因應顧客的生活習慣而訂出最合適顧客的療程;我們所使用的產品全部不含有毒物,令顧客的皮膚在最安全、可靠的情況下,療程達至最佳狀態。 Beaute Care一貫以合理價錢, 絕不取巧為顧客提供最佳的美容服務。
Spanning Skincare and Bodycare, Éclat is the destination for you. Since 2005, the Éclat Laboratories have built on the cultural foundations of the past and utilizing the evolving research and technology of the present, Éclat creates the future traditions of beauty. Éclat owes its success largely to the quality of its products. It offers targeted skincare solutions for every skin type. Éclat strives to offer products with the highest effectiveness, combining knowledge and anticipation of consumer needs, creativities, perfectionism and attention to detail during development of every new product.
Dermalogica堅持不會以動物作測試,並貫徹『7 NOs』的護膚宗旨,即在產品合成過程中棄用對皮膚有害的7種成份,包括:會引發暗瘡及堵塞毛孔的礦物油及羊毛脂、引致皮膚過敏的人造色素及香料,以及令皮膚乾燥的SD酒精及甲醛,和蔻酸異丙酯。創造了一系列適用於男士及女士的專業務實,並富有創意的護膚品.
地址:香港銅鑼灣怡和街1 號香港大廈6字樓L室
電話號碼: (852) 3677 9751