只要你…(1) 態度認真!
(2) 有多餘脂肪可減!
(3) 承諾堅持完成2星期之免費產品試用計劃!
(4) 願意依顧問指示使用產品,並如實報告其生活及飲食習慣! →你便有足夠的資格去參加此計劃!
如欲索取詳情登入以下網站瀏覽 : http://www.fityrbody.com/
Free lose weight program
As long as you ...
(1) attitude seriously!
(2) have excess fat can be reduced!
(3) commitment to adhere to the completion of 2 weeks free trial Product!
(4) willing to use the Product in accordance with the instructions of consultants, and truthfully report on their living and eating habits!
you already have enough qualifications to take part in this program!
To obtain the following website login details:http://www.fityrbody.com/