1. 88DB
  2. 美容
  3. 教學進修


此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2008-07-17 刊登者: Proimage Group

Why our Professional Training? 自創業以來,本集團已成功為無數學員創立了自己的美容事業。一般美容院雖有各種化妝/美容課程, 但是學員學成後因沒有實踐機會或沒有發展門路,便成了最大題。Since launching our first course till today, our company has successfully assisted many people in kick-starting their careers. proimage Group recognizes a lack of opportunity to hone their skills is one of the biggest problems that most students face, upon graduation from most of the beautician training schools. We guaranteed that all our graduated students will be able to start their business/careers in the beauty industry.

Our concept focuses on providing each individual with very practical learning experience through different types of learning opportunities. Our aim is for you to upgrade yourself into a highly qualified world class beautician with strong beauty foundation through the self discovery, remediation and improvement processes.本集團另一特點是協助各學員"一站式"創業發展,以兼職或全職的模式開拓自己個人美容/化妝/形象設計事業。學成獲發證書及保證安排工作。Our unique strength is on assisting our partners in starting and expanding their businesses in a “franchise-like” fashion. You can choose to start your career as a Full-time or Freelance beautician in our salon, as a Salon partner or a Join Force partner (where we can even help you to set up your own home salon).
課程均由持專業文憑導師小組個別教授。每堂開班時間可商議,以致真正能辦到教與學之融會貫通,才能使每一位畢業學員學到全面的專業知識。All our classes will be conducted by professionally certified beauticians. Each session will be conducted in small group or individually. As such, the timing for each session is amendable upon request.
傑出人材可有機會到國外專形集團交流培訓, 亦可代辦國外美容師證書及可代畢業學員辦各類形專業花生騷實習。Outstanding partners will be given the opportunities foroverseas training and proimage Group will assist our partners in their pursuit for International Beauty Certification. 
聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性