CELESTY Nano Elixial Cream 納米保濕霜 從内向外促進肌膚再生
納米保濕霜蘊含EGF (Epidermal Growth Factor 表皮細胞生長因子), 能有效滋潤修護肌膚。 EGF由一位美國生物化學家Stanley Cohen發現, 並成就他獲得1986年諾貝爾生理學或醫學獎。
EGF 是人體内一種蛋白質, 會促進人體皮膚細胞生長。年齡愈小體内的EGF就愈多, 皮膚的更新速度愈快, 因此肌膚能保持嫩滑亮麗。隨年齡增長, 尤其在25歳後EGF會逐漸減少, 肌膚隨之變得粗糙乾涸, 缺乏彈性, 形成皺紋色斑等因肌膚老化而出現的問題。使用納米保濕霜為肌膚補充EGF, 令肌膚保持緊緻嬌嫩。
保濕霜中還使用納米化ceramide (極微細保濕成分), 熊果素 (美白成分), 透明質酸和水溶性膠原蛋白, 充分為肌膚保濕。建議於睡前和早上使用。
-100%日本製 皮膚科醫生研發
-高度保濕成分 納米化神經醯胺 (ceramide)
-蘊含細胞再生因子EGF 煥發年輕光彩
Derma CELESTY 100%日本製
Derma CELESTY由日本皮膚科學者組成的團隊研發。團隊堅守使用天然成分的原則, 確保了Derma CELESTY的安全和成效。針對改善皮膚鬆弛、色斑、皺紋、粗糙皮膚、膚色不均和皮膚乾燥等問題, 使用 Derma CELESTY將可感受到肌膚從内到外散發著的美麗和年輕活力。
Nano Elixial Cream contains Nobel Prize Technology!
Nano Elixial Cream is formulated by EGF (Epidermal Growth Factor) which can moisturize, rejuvenate your skin and prevent from dryness.
EGF (Epidermal Growth Factor) stops the blackening of melanin, stimulates the production of the new skin, and allows skin to feel tight and smooth.
This component was discovered by Stanley Cohenand and won the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine in 1986, and is gathering its attention for its growth factor that stimulates cell growth.
The cereamide 305 will be absorbed by the skin as soon as the intercellular substance is applied to the skin revealing moisturized skin. It also contains arbutin, hyaluronic acid, and water soluble collagen. Use it before going to bed for a moistrized and tigtened skin the next day. Best to apply in the morning and in the evening.
其他CELESTY產品請見本公司 Keiza International Ltd. 刊登的廣告頁面
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Keiza International Ltd.
- The Science of Beauty
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