
1至2人房間,辦公時間本中心有職員代閣下收發包裹及信件 全新裝修,景觀開揚,設備齊全,即租即用。月費包括: 冷氣, 公用設施, 寬頻上網, 水電等等。 查詢更多請即聯絡: 4612 9488

場地適合舞蹈室/鏡房/排練室/瑜伽及空中瑜伽班房/工作坊/多用途活動室 可進行商務發佈會、會議室、放影會、培訓場地、教學課室、TRX健體班。大廈雲石大堂,24小時開放租用,設獨立男及女洗手間,冷熱水沖身設備等。地點方便毗鄰鑽石山地鐵站(3分鐘步程),多條巴士線直達港九新界。

東華三院群芳啟智學校 TWGHs KWAN FONG KAI CHI SCHOOL 中文地址 學校:九龍大坑東南山邨道28號;宿舍:龍黃大仙竹園北村柏園樓地下 英文地址 School: 28 Nam Shan Chuen Road, Tai Hang Tung, Shek Kip Mei, Kowloon. Rooming House: G/F & 1/F, Pak Yuen House

啟思幼稚園 九龍塘律倫街6號 Kowloon Tong, Kowloon Tong 23361139

For over 22 years, Kids' Gallery has been the pioneer for youth arts education in Hong Kong with its centres offering the best creative arts programmes across Asia. Our centres are located in Kowloon

東華三院黃笏南中學 九龍塘牛津道1號CTWGH Wong Fut Nam College1C Oxford Road, Kowloon Tong www.twghwfns.edu.hk 2336915123363114 中學中學津貼男女全日制九龍城區室外運動場,電腦室,圖書館,多媒體語言室,視藝室,音樂室

Our school was established in 1984, the third to be affiliated with the Kowloon Tong Church of the Chinese Christian and Missionary Alliance. We are a full-time aided co-educational secondary grammar

匡智翠林晨崗學校 HONG CHI MORNINGHILL SCHOOL, TSUI LAM 中文地址 新界將軍澳翠林邨 英文地址 Tsui Lam Estate, Tseung Kwan O, Kowloon. 服務類別 輕度智障兒童學校 電話 27061881 傳真 27061991 電郵地址 [email protected] 學校網址 http://www.hcmstl.edu

伯特利幼兒園 九龍城嘉林邊道45-47號 Bethel Nursery 45-47 Grampian Rd, Kowloon City 23376555

路德會救主學校 SAVIOUR LUTHERAN SCHOOL 中文地址 九龍深水埗大埔道288號 英文地址 288, Tai Po Road, Shamshuipo, Kowloon. 服務類別 輕度智障兒童學校 電話 27293929 傳真 23619606 電郵地址 [email protected] 學校網址 http://www.sls.edu.hk 辦學理念 「教養孩童,使他走

香港扶幼會盛德中心學校 SOCIETY OF BOYS' CENTRES SHING TAK CENTRE SCHOOL 中文地址 九龍觀塘利安里2號A 英文地址 2A, LEE ON LANE, KWUN TONG, KOWLOON. 服務類別 群育學校 電話 27114800 傳真 27123085 電郵地址 [email protected] 學校網址 http://www.shingtak.

基督教中國佈道會聖道學校 EVANGELIZE CHINA FELLOWSHIP HOLY WORD SCHOOL 中文地址 九龍油塘鯉魚門道60號 英文地址 60 Lei Yue Mun Road, Yau Tong, Kowloon. 服務類別 中度智障兒童學校 電話 27502549(校務處) 27501471(校長室) 傳真 23313415 電郵地址 [email protected].

九龍真光中學 電話:36550000 Address:1 True Light Lane, Kowloon Tong 地址:九龍塘真光里1

香港扶幼會許仲繩紀念學校 SOCIETY OF BOYS' CENTRES HUI CHUNG SING MEMORIAL SCHOOL 中文地址 九龍長沙灣東沙島街150號 英文地址 150 Pratas Street, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon. 服務類別 群育學校 電話 校務處:2778 8061;社工:田先生 / 曹姑娘(0.5職):2728 7100;司徒姑娘:2

1至2人房間$2500起,全新裝修,景觀開揚,設備齊全,即租即用。月費包括: 冷氣電話, 公用設施, 寬頻上網, 水電等等。 提供客戶服務員收發貨件,查詢更多請即聯絡: 46129488。

Its original name was Ellis Kadoorie School For Indians. Ellis Kadoorie set it up, an Indian Parsee who was later awarded knighthood. It was the first school in Hong Kong where Hindi and Urdu language

School Name Hoi Ping Chamber of Commerce Secondary School Sponsoring Body The Hoi Ping Chamber of Commerce of Hong Kong School Category Co-educational Aided Year of Establishment 1973 Address 22 Shek

The MISSION & VISION of Valtorta College is to 1. provide our students with an all-round education which includes the aspects of Virtue, Knowledge, Health, Community Spirit, Aesthetics and Spirit

The Evangelical School Development Incorporation Limited (ESDI) is the sponsoring body of the School. It was established in August, 1962 by a group of devoted Christians for the sole purpose of spons
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