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We are totally dedicated to providing leading edge Internet technology and high quality custom software solutions and services.
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Participate in the development of next0games, targeting mobile platforms. We are lookign for an experienced game designer with a strong creative background, who is able to formulate ideas into intere
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DKVN is a software development & consultation company, which was established by in 1995. Our Service include Network Integration, Project Management, System Development, System Design, Multimedia

[About Us] Kenfil was established in US back in 1983 and as we saw the fast growing demands in the Asia market, we set our foot in Asia with the opening of our Hong Kong Office in 1989. With a single

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我和幾個朋友是修讀遊戲設計的學生,希望透過工作增加經驗。 若閣下想找人設計遊戲*、圖像 (2D / 3D)、編寫程式、動畫,或想找人合作完成閣下的遊戲項目,都可跟我們聯絡。 價錢可商議。 有意者可透過電郵查詢: [email protected] *Flash, Java, C++, DirectX, Game Maker(or other specific game eng
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In the box Mavic Air 2 Aircraft ×1 Remote Controller ×1 Intelligent Flight Battery ×1 Low-Noise Propellers ×3 (pairs) RC Cable (USB-C Connector) ×1 Whatsapp : +353 89 953 9363
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Our vision is to deliver competitive advantages for enterprises and government organizations to progress by optimizing their information systems efficiency. C&T has the experience and knowledge o
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v手機電腦互聯網 / 遊戲verizonmarketingltd
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