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The MISSION & VISION of Valtorta College is to 1. provide our students with an all-round education which includes the aspects of Virtue, Knowledge, Health, Community Spirit, Aesthetics and Spirit

香港西區扶輪社匡智晨輝學校 ROTARY CLUB OF HK ISLAND WEST HONG CHI MORNINGHOPE SCHOOL 中文地址 香港柴灣興華村第2期校舍 第1號 英文地址 Estate School No. 1, Hing Wah Estate, Stage2, Chai Wan, Hong Kong 服務類別 輕中度智障兒童學校 電話 25588302 傳真 2515

聖公會靈風堂禾輋幼稚園 沙田禾輋村順和樓118-129地下 S K H Holy Spirit Church Kindergarten Ltd 118-129 Shun Wo House Wo Che Estate, Sha Tin [email protected] 26975622 幼稚園 (3-6 歲)幼稚園 (不設幼兒小組) 全日制 沙田區閱讀室;音樂室;舞蹈室;操場

School Vision & Mission Po Leung Kuk aims at a quality education for all, advocates an all-round education embracing the academic, moral, physical, social and aesthetic aspects「德、智、體、群、美」, and ta

保良局金卿幼稚園 電話:23220133 地址:黃大仙鳳德村鳳鑽苑地下 Address:G/F Fung Chuen Court Fung Tak Estate, Wong Tai Sin

本園以彰顯基督愛人精神,以不牟利的方式推行優質的全人教育。 並啟發幼兒的多元智能,發展家校社區合作。 根據幼兒期的特徵,用愛心締造優良的學習環境、多角度教學、愉快的學習氣氛及平等的學習機會;栽培幼兒健康快樂, 自信進取,卓越創新和感恩負責; 確立教師與幼兒的信賴關係; 協助幼兒在德、智、體、群、美、靈六育,獲得均衡發展; 致力與家庭和社區緊密合作,聯繫家長一同栽培幼兒及共同分享孩童的珍貴歲月;

循道衛理田灣幼稚園幼兒園 香港仔田灣村田康樓地下1-10号Tin Wan Methodis Kindergarten & Day NurseryG/F., 1-10 Tin Hong Hse,TIN WAN ESTATE, Aberdeen 2538866925388667幼稚園 (2-6 歲) 幼稚園 (設幼兒小組)有私立男女全日制南區音樂室;操場

東華三院高可寧紀念小學創辦於一九七七年,為東華三院設於新界的第一所小學。翌年九月開始率先推行活動教學,於一九八二年實施全日制,甚獲區內家長的歡迎,而學生亦因留校時間多了,而獲得更多照顧。學校行政方面,隨著時代的需要,我們是不斷改進,與時並進。 本校校風淳樸,培養學生知書識禮、大方得體,懂得自尊、自重、自愛、自律,更能尊師、敬老、愛友。 學校類別為政府津貼小學男女校。 本校於二零零六牟二月一日前是

聖公會慈光堂柯佩璋幼稚園幼兒園 電話:23 254 254地址:黃大仙竹園北村桐園樓地下Address:G/F,Tung Yuen House Chuk Yuen North Estate, Wong Tai Sin

The Evangelical School Development Incorporation Limited (ESDI) is the sponsoring body of the School. It was established in August, 1962 by a group of devoted Christians for the sole purpose of spons

Our Philosophy: Individualized/Customized Education Each child is unique, and every child has his or her own set of interests, desires, personality characteristics, goals, motivations, strengths and

Our Lady of the Rosary College was founded by the Sister Announcers of the Lord in 1971. We follow the preventive model of educational philosophy founded by Don Bosco, the great educator. We move stu

東華三院馮黃鳳亭中學 沙田瀝源村 TWGH Mrs Fung Wong Fung Ting College Lek Yuen Estate, Sha Tin [email protected] 聯絡:26913738

禮賢會恩慈學校 RHENISH CHURCH GRACE SCHOOL 中文地址 九龍鑽石山鳳德村 英文地址 Fung Tak Estate, Diamond Hill, Kowloon. 服務類別 中度智障兒童學校 電話 23280362 傳真 23203425 電郵地址 [email protected] 學校網址 http://www.rcgs.edu.hk 辦學理念 秉承禮賢會辦學宗旨,實

香港道教聯合會圓玄幼稚園 (富善村) 大埔富善村善美樓地下 HK Taoist Assn Yuen Yuen Kindergarten (Fu Shin Est) G/F., Shin Mei Hse,FU SHIN ESTATE, Tai Po 26614583

第一幼稚園 電話:23204880 地址:黃大仙彩虹村金漢樓地下 Address:G/F Kam Hon House Choi Hung Estate, Wong Tai Sin

祂的恩典乃是一生之久。一宿雖然有哭泣,早晨便必歡呼。(詩30:5) For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning. (Psalm 30:5) The long-standing

Our courses are designed according to the toddlers’ age and their level of development. We aim to stimulate their interests in learning through different games and by allowing them to be active

坪石英皇幼稚園 牛池灣坪石邨金石樓地下 Ping Shek Kingsland Kindergarten G/F,Kam Shek Hse, PING SHEK ESTATE ,Ngau Chi Wan 23236363 幼稚園 (3-6 歲)幼稚園 (不設幼兒小組) 全日制觀塘區閱讀室;音樂室;舞蹈室;操場
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