AAA specialises in exam preparation and provides small group tuition in English, Maths, Chinese and Science for children aged 6-16 years old. We aim to provide educational opportunities for children to help them reach their full learning potential.
AAA is constantly updated on the latest requirements of the school syllabus and examinations. We analyse and understand the needs of our students which has further increased our reputation.
Raising confidence, aspirations and encouraging a genuine love of learning is at the heart of the AAA programme.
AAA教育中心是一間專門提供英文、數學、中文及科學,個人或小組課程予5至16歲學生的地方。 我們中心揉合傳統及先進科技的教學方法以幫助學生 更容易地掌握所要學的知識。
我們的導師都十分熱愛教學, 他們會用自己在學科上的專業知識,根據每位學生的程度去製定出適合每位學生自己獨有的學習課程。如學生在某些課題上有特別困難,導師更會利用多媒體的教學工具加以解說, 深入淺出地解答學生的疑問