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Stanford Hotels Corporation

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2013-04-07 刊登者: Stanford Café/德福閣

Stanford Hotels Corporation

Stanford selects the brand for every property with extreme care to promote market leadership of every hotel in its location. The goal is not only to take a property to its optimal market value, but also to create outstanding hotel environments that lead to greater customer comfort and appreciation. By maximizing this strategy, Stanford ranks in the top 25% for each brand and top 20% across the industry for all standard benchmarks.

The Company has a strong capital structure together with long standing relationships with major financial institutions including HSBC and Wells Fargo.
Time-tested experience

Since 1985, Stanford has purchased hotels beginning with expedient acquisitions of under-performing properties. Of the 13 hotels the Company holds today, all boast significantly improved sales and market valuation. Stanford maintains an aggressive yet careful growth strategy that has two aims, the purchase of major hotels in major metropolitan areas, and the development of large-scale hotels when property purchases in a given market are not advantageous.

Streamlined and responsive

Stanford's distinctive hand’s-on management philosophy contributes significantly to its overall success. Stanford hires experienced managers and invests them with the authority and responsibility for day-to-day operations. However, services and expertise that are normally too costly to exist within every hotel are available from the corporate office. These support services include project management, centralized accounting, information technology, landscape architecture, interior and lighting design among others. The results -- lower overhead plus timely response to individual needs and rapid decisions for solutions.

Tel:2710 4269    

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