1. 88DB
  2. 旅遊
  3. 旅遊優惠


此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2011-04-26 刊登者: 宏洋賓館

Ocean Guesthouse Introduction
Ocean Guest House is located in the center of the city in Hong Kong - Jordan ( Junction of Jordan Road and Nathan Road ). Shopping , eating and banking are convenient. The Jordan MTR station (Mass Transit Railway) is just next to our guesthouse. Airport bus No.A22 / No.A21 , the beautiful Victoria Harbor is nearby.

Ocean Guest House is licensed Guesthouse, rooms are spotlessly clean, all rooms with private toilet and shower , Wi-Fi, staff are very friendly. If you prefer a safe, comfortable and good value place to stay during your days in Hong Kong, where is not easy to find in this city, Ocean Guesthouse is the best choice.
宏洋賓館位于九龍尖沙咀佐敦道和敦道交界。乘機場公車 A22 / A21 即可直達。無論購物,飲食都十分方便。鄰近有多間銀行,購物商場和各國風味的食肆。佐敦地下鐵站,九廣鐵路,維多利亞海滂都在鄰近。

本賓館領有合法的經營牌照,員工友善,價錢便宜,提供清潔,安全,舒適的房間。 獨立套房,冷氣,電視,電話,無線網絡。

Ocean Guest house 宏洋賓館
Flat G, 11th Floor, New Lucky House, No.15 Jordan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel 電話: (852) 23850125
Fax 傳真: (852) 27714083
e-mail :
[email protected]

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性