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world-wide-hotels.net maintain a database of hotels

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2011-09-15 刊登者: AB & J Co., Ltd.
world-wide-hotels.net maintain a database of hotels. We are gradually making the content of this database available on the Internet for your use to select and book hotels.

Our aim is to provide as much information as possible on hotels in Worldwide to allow you to select and book one suitable for your business or leisure travel needs. We are constantly updating our database, however if we do not have details of a hotel you are interested in, please let us know on
[email protected] and we will try and get the details for you.

Once you have selected a hotel you can make a reservation or request more information directly through the web page. Room confirmations are coordinated by world-wide-hotels.net's travel staff absolutely free via fax or e-mail. We do not charge you a fee for making a reservation. Our highly experienced and motivated workforce enjoys to cater to all your travel needs in Cantonese, Mandarin, English or German. Moreover we deploy a fully computerized hotel and airline ticketing reservation system.

Phone : (852)2722-0270
Fax : (852)2366-1031
E-mail : [email protected]
Contact Person : Larry / Ray /Joyce
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