In terms of value, Noble Hostel is certainly one of the best guesthouses in Hong Kong.Every room is squeaky clean and is equipped with a private phone and air conditioning. The hostel continues to expand and has now spread into five different buildings.
無 論在價錢或服務方面,高富旅館肯定是全港最高質數賓館之一。房間設備齊全,清潔整齊。每個房間都設有電視機、空氣調節和電話。高 富旅館現今擁有四十多間房間,任君選擇。房間租金 HK$200 / HK$300月租 HK$5000 起Noble Hostel 高富旅館電話 :(852) 2576 6148 傳真 :(852) 2577 0847網址 :