1. 88DB
  2. 攝影及影音
  3. 電視及電影

黃淑儀 - 著名演員及烹飪專家 在配音、電影 、電視劇、綜合節目內演出揮灑自如! 2005 TVB《吾湯吾水》, 深受廣大觀眾歡迎。

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2008-01-17 刊登者: Artist Co-op Ltd 演藝事務所

籍 貫 廣東開平
出生日期 10月10日
體 重 63kg
身 高 1.68m
語 言 廣東話﹑國語

Gigi黃淑儀 9歲由廣州移居香港, 19歲入讀麗的電視第二期訓練班, 完成課程後擔任配音及新聞報導工作。隨後加盟HKTVB, 出任全港首部長篇電視劇《夢斷情天》女主角。自此主演劇集無數, 在配音、電影 、電視劇、綜合節目內演出揮灑自如。

85年Gigi 移民加拿大溫哥華, 91年開始在《加拿大中文電台》主持節目《Gigi天地》。她在溫哥華創辦了《至專話劇團》, 每年為當地的社團演出。

自2002年開始, Gigi加港兩邊忙, 間中回港參與演出電視電影工作, 2005年為TVB到中國大陸主持飲食節目《吾湯吾水》, 深受廣大觀眾歡迎。

Gigi在演藝工作之餘, 對寫作及入廚都有一定心得, 她曾為明報周刊及東方日報的《雙星專欄》執筆寫專欄, 而她的入廚手藝更是圈中朋友津津樂道, 2002年Gigi出版了她首本廚藝書《黃淑儀入廚樂》,將她入廚四十多年的經驗及她鑽研烹調的食譜與朋友分享﹔本書銷量超過兩萬冊, 連續成為暢銷書榜十大書籍之一。



  • 吾湯吾水
  • 吾湯吾水之秋冬篇


  • 肥田喜事
  • 獅子山下-青春小鳥
  • 廟街孖兄弟
  • 錦繡良緣
  • 生命天使


  • 再說一次我愛你


  • 向生命致敬劇場版-真實的謊言


  • 黃淑儀吾湯情湯
  • 黃淑儀芝味無窮
  • 黃淑儀入廚樂


  • Maylane 美婷胎盤素

Gigi Suk-yee Wong, moved from Guangdong to Hong Kong at the age of 9, when she was 19, she joined Rediffusion TV actor training course and started her career in voice dubbing and news reporting.

Later she joined Hong Kong Television Broadcast and was cast as the leading actress in the first marathon TV soap drama "Broken Dreams and the Sky of Love". From then on, she was the leading actress of numerous TV shows and held memorable roles and gave superb performances in voice dubbing, movies, drama and variety shows.

In 1985, she moved to Vancouver, B.C. Canada, since 1991, Gigi has been hosting a family show " The World of Gigi" of Fairchild Radio till now. Gigi is also the founder of Society of the Vancouver Chinese Amateur Performing Artists in Canada, a charitable body which raises fund for the local community.

Gigi has been cooking for more than 40 years and she loves to research, experiment and share her recipes. The sales volume of Gigi's first cookbook was over 20,000 copies and her book was the one of the Top Ten book seller in Hong Kong.

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