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Dennis also specializes in Pre-Wedding Photography and has accumulated a wealth of experience

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2015-07-08 刊登者: dennis

Dennis Mok Professional Photography

Established during 2003, Dennis Mok Professional Photography aims to create and preserve the unforgettable moments experience by newly weds during their special day. Dennis’s professional techniques, infused with his unique aesthetic point of view, aims to create that masterpiece that brings out the heart and soul of that special moment in life.


Dennis Mok’s Profile

Having been in the industry for 12 years, Dennis is a renowned photographer specializing in Luxury Weddings who is highly recommended by many local 5 star establishments in Hong Kong. Apart from weddings held locally, Dennis has also been invited to China, Australia, and Switzerland and collectively built an impressive portfolio of over 1000 couples that includes celebrities, heads of corporations, as well as heirs of influential families around Hong Kong. Dennis also specializes in Pre-Wedding Photography and has accumulated a wealth of experience to include countries like China, Britain, France, Canada, Australia, Italy, Czech Republic, the United States, Germany, Singapore, and Maldives.


Opening Hour – Mon – Friday (11am to 8pm)

Tel – (852) 8106-8024

Address – Unit 602, 6/F, Workington Tower, No.78 Bonham Strand, Sheung Wan, HK

Email – [email protected]

web -  http://www.dennismok.com/

Overseas Pre Wedding Schedule

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