Tom Chan Studio was established in 1985, We provide various kinds of photography & filming services include helicopter aerial photography & architecture photography, etc. We have our own large-scale studio for family photography & fashion photography. With our professional services & management, we provide the best quality shooting & filming services for customers. Digital photography & HDV high density video services are also available.
Tom Chan Studio成立於1985年,提供多元化影像服務,為客戶提供專業的攝影及錄影服務包括: 直升機高空拍攝,戶內外建築攝影、我們自設大型影樓拍攝家庭人像及時裝攝影,配合嚴謹的態度及專業的管理,誠意為各界人士提供高質素的攝影及錄影服務。隨 著全球發展高科技,本公司亦提供數碼攝影及HDV高清錄像嶄新服務。
- 香港北角堡壘街29-31號嘉華洋樓1樓B座
- 1/F., Block B, Kava Mansion, 29-31 Fort Street, North Point, Hong Kong
- 電話 Tel:25122613
- 傳真 Fax:25122631
- 電郵 Email: [email protected]
- 網頁: