小小混血模特兒 a little cute model - 童趣盎然, 清澈的眼神,稚嫩的面孔,宛如人间天使, 面對鏡頭表情自然纯真, 讓攝影哥哥們愛不惜手. 人稱"百變Alyssa."
Are you looking for a experienced little cute model for magazine ? 您是否在尋找一位可愛的小混血兒模特兒?
Professional photo-shoot sessions involving children as subjects can be difficult to conduct. Children move around a lot (especially when shooting group scenes) making it hard to focus still shots of lively, cheerful faces, unlike adult models. So, in order to seize exciting moments of fleeting kid activities, you need an articulate, experienced little model that provides good cooperation, in order to capture good results.
Professional model Alyssa is a beautiful mix of western and asian features, and she is so expressive in front of the camera that photographers has nicknamed her "Variety Alyssa." She is now three year olds(dimensions upon request as they change weekly for children her age). Please login to her Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/alyssas.sienne) to view her ongoing portfolio.
Professional photography samples included:
1. Eugene Magazine's 2010 Expo Baby (cover shot, Aug 2010)
2. Huge over-head hanging from ceiling in Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre in Wan Chai.
3. Declared top baby cover model for 2011.
4. Me magazine skin-care products feature ( 2012)
Available for photo-shoots (suggested ads: toddler formula, skin care, clothing, toys, and toddler activities). please contact: Ms. Semona, Tel: 9034-3040 or WhatsApp Email: [email protected]
拍攝孩子是一件難度很大的事。面對你專業的鏡頭,孩子們都會表現出反常,不像平時那麼天真、活潑、開朗;說不容易是因為孩子們非常好動,他們不會像拍攝成人的時候可以慢慢地構圖,慢慢地選擇光線。如果是在光線不好的情況下,尤其當你拍攝的是一群或幾個孩子活動的場景,那麼你的照片很可能會由於速度過慢而不那麼清晰。所以,為了抓住孩子們活動中的轉瞬即逝的精采瞬間,您需要一位善於表達, 有經驗的小小模特好好合作,才能抓拍孩子們天真的表情和可愛的動作, 把您的產品烘托起來.
小小混血模特兒 - Alyssa 面對鏡頭表情自然纯真、童趣盎然。讓攝影哥哥們愛不惜手. 人稱"百變Alyssa." Facebook里還有更多表情丰富, 显尽天真活泼的照片. 登入 http://www.facebook.com/alyssas.sienne 找找看….
1. 八個月大己被選為2010年度博覽Baby; 自然成為2010年度Baby搏覽代言人
2. 巨大頭相掛滿在灣仔會展中心Baby博覽會上.
3. 2010年榮登香港最暢銷荷花雜誌的封面baby.
4. 可愛照片多次被登上雜誌.
5. 替“忽然一周-Me" 雜誌拍攝護膚品廣告
Facebook裡還有更多表情豐富,盡顯天真活潑的照片. 登入 http://www.facebook.com/alyssas.sienne找找看!
有意拍攝奶粉廣告, 護膚品廣告,童裝, 玩具產品, 請聯絡:
Miss. Semona WhatsApp to 90343040
Email: [email protected]