AModel is model management agency - models, art director, photographer and make-up artist. we offer a contractual guarantee. We are a full-service modeling agency offering casting, cosmetic, photographic, production and custom made modeling services to solve your needs.
We have a portfolio of over 200 of the best and most beautiful Asian professional models and new faces comprising of both female and male to cater for a wide range of activities - fashion shows, computer expo, advertisements, TV commercials, editorials, fittings, promotional works, exhibitions and special events.
AModel 是本地一間具規模的模特兒公司 – 提供大量本地及外地模特兒, 美術指導, 專業攝影師, 化妝師, 更提供高質素的服務包括 – 模特兒試鏡, 專業人像, 產品攝影, 化妝服務以配合各行各業的宣傳及活動, 以發揮最佳較果.
我們有超過200名亞洲模特兒, 包括部份具專業資格及擁有特別個性面孔, 另外有男, 女, 外藉, 專業, 新面孔及不同年齡等等多種模特兒以供選擇以配合有關宣傳, 製作及活動包括 – 時裝展, 電腦展, 平面廣告, 電影宣傳片, 雜誌, 時裝示範, 發佈會及展銷活動等等…
地址 : 香港上環皇后大道中270-276中央大廈3樓H室
電話: 2151-2981
傳真: 2151-2969
電郵: [email protected]