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香港專業攝影師林皓樺Lewis Lam

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2010-07-28 刊登者: billy2000fu

林皓樺於2005年以一級榮譽畢業於加拿大其中一間首先設有數碼攝影課程的學院-Humber College。 他有多年攝影經驗,不但具備了個人的攝影風格,並且對整個攝影專業的技術流程有全面的掌握,同樣地他善於廣告攝影,觸覺敏稅。

 Lewis Lam has been in the photography industry both in Toronto and Hong Kong for many years. He had perceived that digital photography would be a main stream; therefore, he had decided to study digital photography in one of the first colleges, Humber College Institute that switches from film photography to digital photography program in Canada Lewis has achieved the first honour in the program, but he has never stopped studying after graduation because he knows the industry is changing in a rapid pace. In the highly demanding industry, he has established not only high standard of digital photography and colour management but also with a unique style and expertise in photography. His services offer stylistic photo taking as well as monitor and printer calibration, photo re-touching, and printing output.



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