可傑是建業於1988年,銷售多款牌子之數位相機及數位攝影機之批發商,更銷售多樣化之新款型號及零件,價錢合理。 本公司 隨了香港設有批發外,現正拓展亞洲、歐洲、美洲等市場。 現誠邀世界各地之數位相機及數位攝影機之批發商、分銷商及零售商為尊上之客戶。
Tai Holly has established since 1988. We wholesale many latest AV products like digital camera, digital DVD camcorder, digital camcorder, battery and memory card. A variety of latest models are in reasonable prices. Even though you are buy or sell, please do not hesitate to contact us.
We are interested in developing and spreading to any place in the world. As we are about to expand our import and export operation outside Hong Kong, it is essential that our suppliers be both competitive in terms of price, and extremely reliable.
Our target audiences are wholesaler, distributor or retailer of digital camera and camcorder anywhere in the world we are welcome.
電郵地址 :
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
公司電話 :
+852 2317 5993
公司傳真 :
+852 2376 2179
地址 :
Room 2103-5, Enterprise
Square Two, 3 Sheung Yuet
Road, Kowloon Bay,
Kowloon, Hong Kong