一年保用 實店銷售,信心之選 E5 is a Portable Headphone Amplifier designed to improve the sound quality and volume of any Digital Audio Player such as a MP3 or MP4 Player, Mobile Phone, Laptop, or Notebook. It is an improvement on the E3 Headphone Amplifier. It retains all the advantages of the E3, and yet still has very small slim case! But it is more than just an upgraded version of the E3! It has a higher power output! Better Signal to Noise ratio and Lower Distortion! Now with a volume control so you can connect directly to the line out of a Digital Audio Player, and with a sound effect switch which will remove any B*** Boost.
主要特點: ●體積小巧,方便攜帶使用 ●全新功率放大電路,高信噪,低失真 ●獨立電源開關 ●電子音量控制 ●音效轉換控制 ●內置可充電鋰電池 ●標準MINI USB連接插座 ●背後夾子設計
http://hk.f2.page.auctions.yahoo.com/hk/auction/b12976253?r=1379914076音樂風MUSIC TREND
淘大商場一期2樓S86舖 (近冒險樂園)
tel : 27457511[歡迎查詢]
營業時間 1:00pm-9:30pm
NDS, PSP適用[傾手提嫌細聲或藍芽耳機細聲適用
九龍灣地鐵站 A 或 B 出口,橫過行人天橋,步行五至十分鐘即達 ﹔或乘坐巴士 1A, 2A 3D, 6D, 11B, 11C, 11D, 13D, 13X, 14, 14B, 15, 16, 17, 28, 38, 40, 42C, 62X, 70X, 74A, 74X, 80, 80X, 83X, 89, 89D,89X, 93K,101,671 路線