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香港买卖和调音钢琴服务 Buying, selling and tuning piano service available in Hong Kong.

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2013-05-16 刊登者: Tong Carryll

鋼琴的 用料, 設計, 造工, 都會影響鋼琴的音色, 穩定度 和壽命.

香港市上的鋼琴品牌花多眼亂, 它們的水準也各不相同.

購買鋼琴時, 如單單聽信 商店人員 或 對鋼琴一知半解的人的一面之詞, 無疑是一個下下之策.

請一位對鋼琴有全面認識的鋼琴調音技師 去為你選購鋼琴才是最能保障你的做法.

一台有質素的鋼琴, 必須有質素的定期調音及護理.

而長期缺乏調音的鋼琴, 則會影響閣下欣嘗音樂的能力, 更令閣下無法將你的技巧發揮得淋漓盡致.

請聯絡本站 調琴師 湯福泉 先生, 為你的鋼琴預約調音/護理 .

Materials, Design and Craftship will have great effect on piano's tone, stabiliy and life span.

There are many brands in Hong Kong market and their individual standard differs from one and other.

It will obviously be unwise to rush to decision solely based on the comments from the Sale Personnels or people who know little about piano.

Invite a Piano Technician, who has a full understanding in Piano, will help you to make the best possible choice in your piano purchase.

Quality piano requires quality tuning and maintenance in regular basis.

Otherwise long-term tuning stability of your piano is not achieved which will in turn affect your ear training because you always hear your music in the incorrect key.

Please contact Mr. Tong to confirm tuning appointment for your piano .

Mobile: 6304 4081

E-mail: [email protected]

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性