1. 88DB
  2. 音樂
  3. 教學進修


此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2019-04-28 刊登者: Ms Wong
    usic exanm Https://www. facebook.com/misswongplano tutor ABRSM ABRSM ABRSM WONG PIANO Marks Grade 8 Grade Marks tti a broad apemach nit ligt 23 30 (20) Le. A Lttte hurried uso 30 (201 Ciu 30 120) vuauuC re 30 (20) MISS WONG 3640259 Lere and the ,or ーs and colourhil 30 (20) 30 (20) 30 (20] Natuur: pulu we beter han main kegs and apt 요 19 wee well- b 21 (14 et 21 (14) obsernh gthe ke 21 (14) 21 (14) , 2114) 級 優良 七級 級 18 (12 MERIT Distinction 18 (12) ded MERIT Total 12 6 Total Maximum (Pass) 150 (100 Maximum (Pass) 150 (1001 ximum (Pass) 150 (100) 100 120 130 8DB.com Pass 100 Merit Distinction 130  Text,Font,Menu,
    usic exam 山 ABRSM ABRSM ABRSM WONG Https://www. facebook. com/misswongpianotutor PIANO Grade 5- Grade Grade- Marks Marks Marks were CSS u muct yreaber cary 30 120] 30 (20) 30 120) dodフムhe cave tiogh ano nue,,kea 24 MISS WONG 936 40259 30 (20) 27 30 (20) 30 (20) 30 (20) L. There were essadh 21 (14) Just a litet 21 (14) 21 (14) ‘d an em(ro,.renu. 五級 四級 21 (14 21 (14) 21(14) 息, MERIT 18 (12) MERIT MERIT 18 (12) 18 (12) if needed Total 126 Total 12 3 Total Maximum Pass) 150 (1001 Pass Distinction Maximum (Pass) Pass Distinction 150 (100)  IPassl 1501100) 120  Text,Font,Menu
    ull ABRSM exam ABRSM ABRSM ABRSM Https://www. facebook. com/misswongpianotutor Grade 3 Grade-2- Grade 3 Marks Marks Grade orsination wa 24 overa 30 120 30 120 23 st for au 25 MISS WONG 93640259 near the eo 30 120 r but ing eno so etuew22 201201 o atay Tham aunte 30 1201v 30 120) 30 120 he scales-jut a 21 (14 21 (14 21 114) 21 1141 hur 三級 級 21 114) 21 1141 21 (14) 優良mlt_優良 16 MERIT : 21 (14 ecloe has e s were accon MERIT Distinction 18 (12) 18 (12) 18 (12 Distinction 18 112 Total Totat 122 Total 8 8DB.com Maximum [Pass] Maximum (Passl Total 150 1100) Maximum (Pass) Pass 150 (100) Pass 100 120 Merit Distinction  Text,Font,
    ABRSM ABP ELLE Https://www. facebook. com/misswongpianotutor Grade 4 Marks Grade 2 優異 Distinction , d~ nadu, 優良 MERIT 30 (20) 30 4 aカ 30 (20) 30 (20 0 (20) 30 (20) paonat, and 21 (14) 21 014) MISS WONG 340259 べく blemish 21 (14) 21 (14) anes, au 18 (12) 18 (12) Total 130 Total 12c Maximum (Pass) Pass Merit Distinction 150 (100) 100 120 130 Maximum (Pass) 150 00) Pass Merit Distinction 100 120 130 / Apr 2018 Examiner code: A215 18 Examiner cr 3127 om 42897002 LBI 4- - wit te biity in England & Wales No. 1926395 r England & Wale  Text,Menu
    DE 5 ABRSM E 5 ABRSMM 五級樂理 優異. Distinction4 Maximum Mark 合格 mark awarded 滿分 Mark 得分 awarded gression, rewrPASS alent as a breve 葛音符、用倍全音n 15 as 10 amed harmonic interváls ng named harmonic intervals ncert (sounding) to written 律 naming a key m concert (sounding) to written 属旋律 nd naming a key 10 10 10 time, and giving technical names10 ble time, and giving technical names §名稱 10 MISS WONG 9364025 e and writing scale according to 調號寫出音階 ewriting bar using notes and a rest of 10 d writing scale according to 寫出音階 iting bar using notes and a rest of 10 10 15 12 aming ornament, giving letter name of F和休止符重寫小節、寫出調名、寫出裝 ns for two cadences 15 g ornament, giving letter name of 止符重寫小節、寫出調名、寫出裝 r two cadences 10 10 及格 良好 ction優異 Not answered 80 TOTAL 總分 80 90 TOTAL 100 90 優異 swered 未答 red with limuted iability in England & Wales No 1926395 100 90 ny registered with limited liability in (SCO43343)   Text,Font
    THEORY FY A BER 2016) GRADE 5 ]第五級 ABRSM ABRSM LICANT NO.: 40749 0. 42100 ABRSM 優良 APPLICANT NO.: 41741 MERIT APPLICANT NO.: 00651 MERIT Maximgm e MERIT mum awarrt 合格 15 3PASS APPLICANT Ne mark a Maximumawarded 得分 滿分 cribing chords gnatures, term, describing chords, rewriting a note using the 15 11 eneral question 音樂詞彙,描述和弦,用中音譜號重寫音符,及常識問題 ximumMark ark lawar 重寫音符 合格 15 13), PASS mark 10 10 oundingl 10 810 9 10 10 ng a passage for trumpet in Bb from written to concert Isoundingl 」、號選段移調,以實陈 naming a note and o mament melodic intervals 10 8enorC 10 8 MISS WNONG 93640259 10 ten 10 彙,寫音名和裝飾音名稱 ting a chord using the tenor clef, naming the key and giving te 中音譜號重寫和弦,寫調名和專有名稱 eral and instrumental questions 10 make 107 10 10 識問題,及與樂器相關的問題 Writing a scale according to the named key signature, and adding accidentals 10 10 15 10 15 12 10 10 15 12 o make the named scale 用指定調號寫潛階,及加臨時記號以構成指定音階 r 10 10 10 10 Writing a melody for oboe or violin or to given words 10 10 names or any other recognised Text,Font,

~ 倫敦聖三一音樂學院演奏級鋼琴
~ 英國皇家音樂學院八級鋼琴
~ 英國皇家音樂學院八級樂理
~ 鋼琴教學法證書
~ 教學及專業音樂課程證書
~ 香港理工大學畢業 
~ 十幾年教學經驗,有耐性及愛心

~ 學生包括幼稚園, 小學生, 中學生,大學生,幼稚園老師,職青及長青
~ 保送學生英國皇家音樂學院考試及倫敦聖三一音樂學院術科及樂理考試
~ 學生考試及格率達 100%,超過80%學生考試成績達優良(Merit)及優異(Distinction)
~ 可代報香港校際音樂節及各項音樂比賽

- 香港鋼琴/電子琴導師協會會員
- 香港音樂導師同盟會員

~ 古典鋼琴課程
~ 五級八級樂理課程
~ 幼兒音樂啟蒙課程
~ 流行鋼琴課程
~ 教會詩琴課程 (學科包括:演奏、伴奏、自彈自唱)

**現在報讀課程,更享有學費優惠,名額有限,報名從速 !



~ 曾在星光大道、文化中心、演奏廳及商場表演等 








奧海城露天廣場Christmas Market音樂會表演








Hello黃老師,早晨 謝謝您 尋晚給我睇各人的精彩表演,好好睇! Good Show ! 你 祝您桃李門天下 .com,Text,Font,Line

Hello黃老師, 4 個為你和學生順利完 成音樂會感恩,今天很好呀,我都睇得好開 心。 om,Finger,Text,Thumb,Hand,Font謝謝你啊!今天的表演真的很精彩 特別是最後那首原創作品,真的很有水準。 你的學生都很認真和可愛。 .com,Text,Font,Line,Illustration,Design

你創作的作品好好喎 111 願神給你 更多音樂創作恩賜,為神創作出更多美妙樂 曲,榮耀神人一97T ! ta com,Text,Font,Line,Brand,Logo


辛苦晒啦! 多謝你邀請同禮物。ic3 我好欣賞你創作果兩首音樂,歌詞都好入 心,要繼續不斷創作呀GE com,Text,Emoticon,Facial expression,Font,Yellow




查詢及聯絡Whatsapp/電話: 9364 0259 (Miss Wong)

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/pianotutormisswong



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