Maggie 4歲開始學鋼琴。 在16歲的時候, 她考取英國皇家音樂學院8級鋼琴。 為了可以在音樂上發展,她選擇了澳洲悉尼大學音樂學院進修。在2011年,最後完成了音樂學士學位課程。大學的時候,她很開心能夠成為俄羅斯籍的Natalia Andreeva 的鋼琴學生。雖然主科是音樂,但由於從小到大都對日文有興趣,所以更副修了日文科。由於Maggie對音樂很有熱誠,他從小已經參加學校的管弦樂隊,牧童笛隊和合唱團。在牧童笛隊,她更是其中一位bass牧童笛的隊長。在管弦樂隊裡面,她彈奏雙簧管。她從小多次參加校際音樂節的鋼琴獨奏,鋼琴二人合奏,牧童笛獨泰和牧童笛4人合奏。大學畢業後,她在香港和悉尼兼職教琴。然後,去了日本東京進修日文,更成功考取日本語能力試驗的一級。現在她享受在她的home studio教日文和鋼琴。
Maggie commenced her musical studies at the age of four. She completed her piano ABRSM Grade 8 at the age of 16 and eventually left for Sydney, Australia to have further studies in music.
Maggie completed her Bachelor of Music Studies (Performance) at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music, University of Sydney in 2011. While studying at the conservatorium, she was under the tutelage of Prof. Natalia Andreeva from Russia. Although her degree was under music faculty, she has taken the opportunity to study Japanese language in the main campus of University of Sydney.
Given her great passion for music, Maggie also participated in the school brass band, recorder band and choir during her secondary school years as bass leader in recorder band, playing oboe in brass band, singing in alto part of the choir. She also participles competitions every year from the "Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association" from the primary school to secondary school years. Competitions including piano solo, piano duet, recorder solo and recorder assemble.
After graduated from University of Sydney, Maggie does part time piano teaching both in Hong Kong and Sydney. She went to Tokyo for her further studies in Japanese language and gained her N1 certificate from JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test). She is currently part time teaching piano at her home studio with a grand piano and teaching Japanese language also.
Please contact Ms. Mak on 51162996 by Whatsapp if you have any enquiries. Thank you!