專業中小提琴導師, 演藝音樂學士畢業, 香港城市室樂團 中提琴團員, 參與很多音樂演奏. 音樂事務處兼職導師, 曾教授香港兒童弦樂團, 教授很多由幼稚園中班已開始學的學生.可上門, Whatsapp 61833082 林道晟老師
Professional violin and viola tutor, graduated in HKAPA with Bechelor of music in 2008. Tutti of City Chamber orchestra of hong kong, experienced performer. Part time tutor in Music Office, and taught in Hong Kong Children strings, taught many kids since 4. Can teach in your home if the schedule is available. Whatsapp 61833082 Mr. Lam.
可介紹其他演藝學院畢業導師 Can introduce other tutors graduated in HKAPA.