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  2. 音樂
  3. 教學進修

– 熱心教學 , 鋼琴古箏導師 –以學生為核心,重視學生的喜好和想法,因才施教,靈活教學方法

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2014-06-10 刊登者: AnnaChan

熱心教學 , 鋼琴箏導師


* 自小學習鋼琴,後得國際古箏演奏家吳曉紅老師啟蒙,學習古箏, 曾多次獲獎,跟隨老師應邀本港TVB錄音

* 常應邀出席校內外的各類型活動表演,曾到馬來西亞、新加坡、韓國丶台灣丶北京及美國等地作交流及表演。

* 熱心教學,喜愛分享和推動音樂文化

* 於美國求學期間,多次受邀至各地及校內作演出,例國際互動日及迎送中國駐美領事交流峰會等獨奏。

* 曾於本港及美國中小學及大學舉辦中西樂講座、演奏交流會等

* 鋼琴文憑 : 倫敦聖三一學院 –鋼琴演奏一級文憑

* 古箏文憑 : 中央音樂學院 – 演奏文憑 ; 上海音樂學院 - 九級文憑


- 多年教學經驗

- 學生:本地及海外學生 (小童至成年人不等)

- 教學語言: 廣東話,普通話,英文

- 教授(個人及小組)各級鋼琴,古箏,各級中西樂理 (也提供各樂器及聲樂伴奏)


* 以學生為核心,重視學生的喜好和想法

* 因才施教,靈活修改教學方法

* 提高學生的彈奏技巧,培養學生的音樂熱城

* 學生通過學習音樂而得到快樂和滿足,提升學生的心理素質


- 有興趣歡迎查詢 / 試堂

- 請E-mail:[email protected] ; 致電 / Whatsapp 9187 3226

- 學費、時間及上課地點 [可到老師家中 (太古) 或上門教授] 可再議


Personal background & Qualifications

* Learning piano since 7, and later on enlightened by international GuZheng player Connie Ng

* Received numerous awards from local and international competition

* Enthusiastic in teaching, sharing and promoting music and culture

* Often invited for international/local performance, exchange programs (on campus & local community)

* Organized sharing seminars, music shows & recital

* Attended cultural enrichment activities as performance guest

* Piano Diploma: Trinity College – Diploma of Piano Performance ATCL

* GuZheng Diploma: Central Conservatory of Music – Diploma of GuZheng Performance (Grade 10)

* GuZheng Diploma: Shanghai Conservatory of Music – Zheng Grade 9

Teaching experience

- Years of teaching experiences with variety of student types

- Student age group: 4 – 50s (had experienced with special aid and different diversity student)

- Teaching language: Chinese, Cantonese, English

- Teaching content: Piano, GhZheng, Music Theory - both Eastern & Western

- (Also provide accompaniment for recital, instruments exams & performance)

Teaching Philosophy

* Customize teaching method individually for student

* Focus on fulfilling student’s own interest & improving their technical skills

* Aim to bring joy and satisfaction to student through music learning

 Contact Information

- Welcome to contact for more information and trial lesson.

- Email: [email protected] ; Phone/Whatsapp: 9187 3226

- Tuition fee, lesson’s location and time are open to discuss

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